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St Francis' Primary School, Castlewellan


2022/2023 School Year

10th May 2023
During the last week of Easter, the children enjoyed making some Easter buns. Lots...
10th May 2023
As part of our Report Writing last term, we researched and created data banks about...
5th May 2023
Today Percy’s Picnic Pit Stop visited the school & all the children got...
5th May 2023
Congratulations to the following pupils 👏👏. P. 1 Eireann, P. 2 Olivia, P. 3...
5th May 2023
Congratulations to the following pupils 👏👏. P. 1 Aoife, P. 2 Cillian &...
4th May 2023
On Friday 28th April we held a Maths Afternoon for parents, where they could come...
3rd May 2023
Mickey came into school on Thursday to help the boys and girls in Primary Three to...
3rd May 2023
Primary Three participated in the World Daily Mile on Thursday 27th April 2023.
3rd May 2023
The boys and girls in Primary Three had a great time on Friday afternoon when their...
21st Apr 2023
Today our P, 5, 6 & 7 girls went to Ballymote Sports Centre Downpatrick for a...